
All I See is GraceTodo lo que veo es gracia —

Só vejo a graça

The Karis book is now available in English, español e português..

Karis’s experience and the strength she found to deal with her tough times feel to me more relevant than ever, as we all deal with the multifaceted challenges of Covid-19.

I’d like to tell you a little about the cover image we used for the English and Spanish versions. This photograph was taken by our friend Cole Van Ormer shortly before Karis’s first intestinal transplant in 2004. Doesn’t she look great? You wouldn’t know she lived with a ticking clock controlled by the dubitable longevity of her central line. She depended on nutrition infused directly into her veins (called TPN), because her intestine was not working. But she was prone to life-threatening infections of her central line.

Karis lived in constant pain and frequent hospitalizations from dehydration and sepsis. Her smile reflects her deep trust in her heavenly Father, her “Papa.” She wrote “All I see is grace,” in her journal at a time when observers would find it identify anything at all to be thankful for. The Three Rivers Fountain represents that grace, a spring of irrepressible joy overflowing to all who knew Karis. Grace covered and cushioned all the medical stuff, captured in this image by the most prominent building in downtown Pittsburgh, the U.S. Steel Tower which now has UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) in huge letters across its top.

The fountain speaks to us of the abundance of God’s grace in the place of our need. Enough for each of us. Enough for you.

Photo by Cole Van Ormer

To know Karis was to be loved by her. For those of us who had the opportunity to be welcomed in by her clear blue eyes, her hunger to live and to love each of us personally is what marked us. Her love warms these pages. Excerpts from her personal journals reveal how her struggle with fatal chronic illness from the moment of her birth was just one part of her larger, constant dialogue with God: messy, raw, and beautiful in its honesty. This book, like Karis’s life, offers no clean, comfortable answers. But for those willing to walk alongside her through these pages, may it be a door to know Karis and to be touched by the love she carried. Anthony

How rare is a book that you want absolutely everybody to read? Debra Kornfield’s All I See Is Grace is that book. This is not another facile “rah-rah for Jesus” book. No. This one’s for real. It is an honest, winsome, compelling account of Debbie’s long, rollercoaster faith journey with her daughter Karis, born with a birth defect, struggling for survival, yet full of life for all of her thirty years. No matter where you are in your own life, you will find yourself in this book and live your next day with renewed strength and yes, joy. The Rev. Dr. Ann Paton, Professor Emerita Geneva College

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No tuve el privilegio de conocer a Karis personalmente, sin embargo, al leer este libro tuve el poder de conectarme con ella como si hubiera vivido a su lado para siempre. Me encantó la profunda humanidad de las palabras de su diario, al mismo tiempo tan impregnadas de lo sobrenatural de su fe en el Todopoderoso. Como una especie de ‘bono’ divino, también veo foralecida mi conexión con la autora Débora, a quien quiero honrar y amar aún más com esta lectura. Cada línea de este libro es una invitación a sumergirse en la vida con valentía, fe y alegría, sin miedo. Gratitud, Dios, Karis y Débora: invitación aceptada! Elisa Delfini Corrêa, Doctora en Sociología Política – UFSC; Florianópolis, Brasil.

Por favor, escriba su opinión sobre este libro. Necesitamos cinquenta comentarios para que el libro sea más fácil de encontrar.

Tuve el privilegio de vivir con Karis en muchos momentos. Nadie podía notar sus dificultades, porque la alegría estaba escrita en su rostro. Tenía un placer de vivir que era insuperable. Su gracia siempre contagiaba el medio ambiente. Hoy veo cómo tuve el privilegio de conocer a alguien que tenía un corazón AGRADECIDO. Sé que leer este libro te lo revelará. Gedimar de Araújo, Pastor Senior de la Iglesia Ágape en Vitória do Espírito Santo, Brasil.

O lançamento aconteceu no 02/05 pela Editora Betânia!

Prepare-se para aprender olhar a vida com os óculos da graça, e para entender por que Romanos 12:15 (“Alegrem-se com… e chorem com…”) não foi escrito para pregar, mas para vivenciar. Prepare-se para não entender como é possível achar graça em meio a tanto sofrimento. Não estranhe se a Káris te quebrantar e te faz sorrir, e tudo ao mesmo tempo. E não estranhe se você se apaixonar pela Débora no caminho, é inevitável.         Ari Corrêa, Líder do MAPI Discipulado, Pastor da Igreja Presbiteriana Betânia, Florianópolis, mais um amigo abençoado pelo Deus dos Kornfield

Pensei: O que falar das qualidades de Karis, são tantas, qual escolher? A qualidade que quero destacar entre tantas foi sua resiliência em suportar o sofrimento sem denegrir o caráter de Deus. Era uma verdadeira adoradora, e fazia questão de ressaltar a soberania, poder e amor de Deus. Muitos por bem pouco deixam de crer em Deus. Nas linhas deste livro, você encontrará uma verdadeira adoradora, alguém que amava a Deus acima de todas as coisas.  Hildete Anjos das Costas Dantas, Gestora, Primeira Igreja Batista em Jardim das Imbúias, São Paulo, Brasil